
RTO # 40833

GCCPD155 Extreme Environment Medicine

This CPD course on “Extreme Environment Medicine” prepares healthcare professionals to deliver care in challenging conditions such as high altitudes, polar regions, deserts, and underwater settings. It covers adaptation to extreme climates, emergency response, and medical management unique to these environments. The course aims to equip participants with the skills to practice medicine safely and […]

GCCPD156 Altitude Medicine and Rescue

This CPD course on “Altitude Medicine and Rescue” equips healthcare professionals and rescue personnel with the knowledge and skills to manage health issues and perform rescues at high altitudes. It covers the physiology of altitude sickness, acclimatization processes, emergency medical care for altitude-related illnesses, and safe evacuation techniques. The course aims to enhance the participants’ […]

SCCPD106 Sports Bandaging

This First Aid course covers sports bandaging techniques, offering practical skills for supporting injured limbs, reducing swelling, and promoting recovery in sports-related injuries.