
RTO # 40833

QCPR Manikins

All three of our NEW manikins have QCPR feedback technology to help instructors improve CPR training quality, efficiency, and learner engagement.

All three of our NEW manikins have QCPR feedback technology to help instructors improve CPR training quality, efficiency, and learner engagement.

We know CPR training creates lifesavers. But for years, providing accurate and objective feedback on the performance of students has been a challenge for instructors. Until now.

The QCPR Classroom App is now available for our Little Anne QCPR with feedback and a gaming element.

This enables instructors to enhance the quality of CPR training, classroom efficiency and learner engagement – with up to 42 Manikins at the same time.

EMSET use QCPR manikins for all our training

Get Started Today

Find out what to do in emergency situations such as anaphylaxis, bleeding, burns and scalds, choking, drowning, electrocution, fractures, heart attacks, and much much more – available on phones, tablets and Laptops.