
RTO # 40833

GENNA012 Zero Responder First Aid Training

GENNA012 Zero Responder First Aid Training

Study 24/7 Anywhere Anytime.
Clinical Practice Training On The Job.
Gain Experience In Real-Life Emergencies.


A zero responder is a bystander who helps during an emergency before medical professionals arrive. In mass casualty events, like a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or accident, zero responders can play a vital role in preventing harm, reporting the crisis, and providing first aid.
Here are some things a zero responder can do: Prevent harm, Report the crisis, Provide first aid, Help people evacuate, and Encourage others to evacuate.
In the event of severe bleeding, a zero responder can:
Prioritize those with severe bleeding
Apply direct pressure with a clean cloth or hands
Elevate the injured limb above the heart
Apply a tourniquet if direct pressure doesn’t work
Pack deep or large wounds with clean cloth or gauze
Stay calm and reassure the injured
Zero responders can make a significant difference in chaotic situations, even without formal medical training.

Course Fees

Full Course Fee:



  • All learning material for this unit is provided via our online learning portal and all equipment is provided for the practical assessments.
  • A learner undertaking this course will require a specific skill level in Language, Literacy and Numeracy.

    The course has been assessed as requiring the following Australian Core Skills Framework levels:

    • Learning – Level 2
    • Reading – Level 2
    • Writing – Level 2
    • Oral Communication – Level 1
    • Numeracy – Level 1