
RTO # 40833

Occupational First Aid Skill Set






  • All learning material for this unit is provided via our online learning portal and all equipment is provided for the practical assessments.
  • A learner undertaking this course will require a specific skill level in Language, Literacy and Numeracy.

    The course has been assessed as requiring the following Australian Core Skills Framework levels:

    • Learning – Level 2
    • Reading – Level 2
    • Writing – Level 2
    • Oral Communication – Level 1
    • Numeracy – Level 1

Occupational First Aid Skill Set

NRT Logo

Course Code: : HLTSS00068

Study 24/7 Anywhere Anytime.
Clinical Practice Training On The Job.
Gain Experience In Real-Life Emergencies.


Our HLTSS00068 Occupational First Aid Skill set is a nationally recognised and we will provide all participants a qualification to be an Advanced First Aider at their workplace and any other required situations. 

Our course is hands on with many practical and real-life scenarios.

Course Fees

Full Course Fee:

AUD $595.00


ALL EMS Education & Training courses are available 24/7, with commencement available anytime.

Award Issued

Students who successfully complete both the theoretical and practical assessment components of this nationally recognised training will be awarded the statement of attainment for:

  • HLTSS00068 – Occupational First Aid Skill Set

Course Format

Online pre-study

Practical face-to-face


Course Content

  • Performance tasks and practical scenarios:
  • Perform CPR on an adult (incl. single and two-rescuer CPR, using a bag-valve-mask, select and insert an appropriate airway adjunct, manage oxygen equipment and use an AED to deliver at least one shock)
  • Place a casualty into the recovery position
  • Complete a first aid incident report form based on a simulated first aid scenario
  • Perform CPR on an infant
  • Manage a casualty with anaphylaxis
  • Manage a casualty with asthma
  • Manage a choking casualty
  • Manage a casualty with non-life-threatening bleeding and shock, requiring minor wound cleaning
  • Manage a casualty with a nosebleed
  • Manage a casualty with a fracture and dislocation
  • Manage a casualty with a sprain and strain
  • Manage a casualty with envenomation (snake/ funnel-web spider bite)
  • Coordinate a multiple casualty incident
  • Manage a casualty with a life-threatening bleed and provide oxygen
  • Complete a first aid incident report form based on the life-threatening bleed scenario
  • Maintain resuscitation equipment
  • Conduct a workplace risk assessment
  • Develop a first aid response plan including strategies for management of incidents
  • Use a first-aid checklist to service a workplace first aid kit for supplies’ replacement and equipment maintenance