60SEC043 Decompression Illness: An Overview
This brief workshop titled “Decompression Illness: An Overview” provides a comprehensive look at decompression illness (DCI), a condition resulting from inadequate decompression following exposure to increased pressure. It covers the pathophysiology of DCI, including both decompression sickness and arterial gas embolism, signs and symptoms, risk factors, and the importance of prompt recognition and treatment with […]
60SEC044 COVID Considerations: Do’s and Don’ts
This brief workshop titled “COVID Considerations: Do’s and Don’ts” offers practical guidance on navigating the COVID-19 pandemic safely. It covers essential preventive measures such as wearing masks, social distancing, and hand hygiene, along with advice on vaccination and managing exposure risks. The session also highlights common misconceptions and practices to avoid, aiming to equip participants […]
60SEC040 Capillary Blood Gas: Key Facts
This brief workshop titled “Capillary Blood Gas: Key Facts” offers essential information on capillary blood gas (CBG) analysis, a minimally invasive method used to assess a patient’s oxygenation, ventilation, and acid-base status. It covers the technique for obtaining a capillary sample, indications for use, interpretation of results, and how CBG values can guide clinical management […]
60SEC041 A-WPTAS: Framework for Assessing Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)
This concise workshop on the “A-WPTAS: Framework for Assessing Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)” introduces the Abbreviated Westmead Post-Traumatic Amnesia Scale (A-WPTAS), a tool used for assessing cognitive impairment and recovery following mTBI. It covers how to administer the scale, interpret results, and use this information to guide patient care and recovery plans. The session […]
60SEC039 The Hot & Altered Patient
This concise workshop titled “The Hot & Altered Patient” delves into the assessment and management of patients presenting with hyperthermia and altered mental status. It explores potential causes such as heatstroke, drug effects, and infections, and outlines critical care strategies including rapid cooling and supportive treatments. Participants will learn to recognize red flags, initiate appropriate […]
60SEC035 Cardiac Conduction: Sinus Rhythm Pathway & Intrinsic Rates
This brief workshop titled “Cardiac Conduction: Sinus Rhythm Pathway & Intrinsic Rates” explores the pathway of normal cardiac conduction through the heart, starting from the sinoatrial (SA) node through to the atrioventricular (AV) node, bundle of His, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers. It highlights the importance of understanding the intrinsic rates of these pacemakers in […]
60SEC036 Spider Bites: Emergency Care Recommendations
This concise workshop on “Spider Bites: Emergency Care Recommendations” provides essential guidance on identifying and managing spider bites, emphasizing first aid measures, signs of allergic reactions, and when to seek medical attention. It covers the steps to minimize toxin spread, pain management, and the importance of identifying the type of spider to assess the risk […]
60SEC037 Bleeding in Early Pregnancy: An Overview
This brief workshop titled “Bleeding in Early Pregnancy: An Overview” offers essential insights into the common causes, significance, and management of bleeding during the first trimester. It discusses how to differentiate between normal and potentially serious conditions, such as ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage, and emphasizes the importance of timely evaluation and supportive care to ensure […]
60SEC038 Toxicological Emergencies: Considerations
This quick workshop on “Toxicological Emergencies: Considerations” provides a comprehensive overview of managing patients exposed to toxic substances. It covers initial assessment, stabilization, and specific antidotes, highlighting the importance of understanding the substance involved, routes of exposure, and potential systemic effects. The session emphasizes the need for rapid intervention and collaboration with poison control centers […]
60SEC030 Mechanical Ventilation: Basic Settings and Parameters
This quick workshop on “Mechanical Ventilation: Basic Settings and Parameters” offers an introduction to the fundamental aspects of setting up and managing mechanical ventilation for patients. It covers key settings such as tidal volume, respiratory rate, inspiratory to expiratory ratio, and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), along with how to adjust these parameters based on patient […]