CONV110 Crime Scene Awareness
Gain essential knowledge of crime scene management, ensuring safety and preserving evidence when emergencies intersect with potential criminal situations.
CONV111 Career Development
Lay the foundation for a successful career in EMS by understanding EMT training requirements, levels of training, and the vital components of the EMS system. Explore the roles and responsibilities of EMTs and event medics to shape your professional journey.
CONV112 Working with Diverse People
“Working with Diverse People” enhances interpersonal skills and cultural competence, preparing participants to effectively engage and collaborate with individuals from a wide range of backgrounds. The course emphasizes respect, empathy, and understanding, fostering an inclusive environment that values diversity in the workplace and beyond.
CONV113 Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Awareness (AUS)
This course offers insights into the cultures, histories, and contemporary realities of Indigenous Peoples in Australia, promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity. It aims to enhance understanding and respect for Indigenous cultures, contributions, and perspectives, fostering effective communication and engagement in diverse settings.
CONV103 Critical Thinking and Clinical Decision Making
Hone your ability to think critically in high-stress EMS situations. Learn to make sound clinical decisions swiftly and effectively, ensuring optimal patient care.
CONV104 Transport Operations
Explore the logistics and protocols involved in patient transport. Ensure safe and effective transfer of patients between care settings, including ambulances and hospitals.
CONV105 Incident Management and Mass-Casualty Incidents
Develop the skills to manage complex incidents and mass-casualty events efficiently, optimizing resources and care delivery in high-demand situations.
CONV106 Vehicle Extrication and Special Rescue
Learn advanced techniques for safely extricating victims from vehicles and handling specialized rescue scenarios, enhancing your capabilities as an EMS professional.
CONV107 Hazardous Materials
Master the handling of hazardous materials incidents, ensuring safety and minimizing risks to both responders and the community during chemical emergencies.
CONV108 Terrorism Response
Equip yourself to respond to acts of terrorism, understanding the unique challenges and protocols for providing emergency care in these high-risk scenarios.