
RTO # 40833

Assist Clients with Medication






  • All learning material for this unit is provided via our online learning portal and all equipment is provided for the practical assessments.
  • A learner undertaking this course will require a specific skill level in Language, Literacy and Numeracy.

    The course has been assessed as requiring the following Australian Core Skills Framework levels:

    • Learning – Level 2
    • Reading – Level 2
    • Writing – Level 2
    • Oral Communication – Level 1
    • Numeracy – Level 1

Assist Clients with Medication

NRT Logo

Course Code: : HLTHPS006

Study 24/7 Anywhere Anytime.
Clinical Practice Training On The Job.
Gain Experience In Real-Life Emergencies.


This short course is designed for support workers who require the skills and knowledge required to prepare and provide medication assistance and complete medication documentation.

This short course also involves supporting a client to self-administer medication. It is best suited to support workers who are employed or who are otherwise able to demonstrate competency in a suitable workplace.

Course Fees

Full Course Fee:

AUD $395.00


ALL EMS Education & Training courses are available 24/7, with commencement available anytime.

Award Issued

Students who successfully complete both the theoretical and practical assessment components of this nationally recognised training will be awarded the statement of attainment for:

  • HLTHPS006 – Assist Clients with Medication

Course Format

Course Content

  • Prepare to assist with medication
  • Prepare the client for assistance with administration of medication
  • Support clients with administration of medication
  • Handle medication contingencies
  • Complete medication distribution and documentation