The EMS Education & Training Advanced Life Support (ALS) course is based on the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and principles of evidence-based best practice.
EMS Education & Training recommends that the ALS course is completed every two years and strongly recommends that the Basic Life Support (HLTAID010 – Provide basic emergency life support) course is completed prior to undertaking the ALS course.
This course aims to impart essential competencies and expertise necessary for managing patients during critical periods. The curriculum encompasses the recognition, assessment, and prompt intervention strategies for individuals experiencing clinical deterioration and is targeted at an introductory level.
Participants are required to complete the online component a minimum of seven days prior to the commencement of the course in order to initiate preparation for the in-person module.
This encompasses the requisite competencies for addressing cardiac arrest and other medical exigencies within a clinical environment.
The course curriculum comprises:
• Recognition, assessment and management of the critically ill patient utilising a structured ABCDE approach (with the objective of preventing cardiac arrest)
• Airway management techniques
• Basic Life Support
• Defibrillation proficiency (Manual and/or AED modes)
• Cardiac arrest management employing the ALS Algorithm
• Effective collaboration as a team member in cardiac arrest scenarios
The course is capable of providing specialised training tailored to the specific requirements of the candidate cohort or organisational needs. It is particularly suitable for healthcare professionals with limited or infrequent exposure to crisis events requiring advanced life support training.
Prior to enrolment in this course, you must be deemed competent in Basic Life Support within the past 12 months
HLTAID010 – Provide basic emergency life support
ALS course structure
• An online learning program and assessments
• Practical assessment: scenario-based with a EMSET or Suitable workplace facilitator, either face-face or via Zoom
Practical assessment
Your practical assessment will be conducted by an EMSET Assessor. In some circumstances EMSET may appoint an external assessor. This process can only be organised and approved by the EMSET Director.
It is your responsibility to organise the required equipment and venue for the practical assessment.
Equipment required
• Adult Manikin: for simulation of CPR, defibrillation and airway insertion
• Defibrillator which can be used in manual mode
• Defibrillator pads (adult)
• Airways: oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal, LMA (size 3 fits most manikins)
• Yankeur sucker and Y Suction catheter
• Magill’s forceps (for medical staff assessments only)
• Adult Hudson mask
• Bag valve mask
For assessments via Zoom
• Computer/laptop/smart phone/ tablet with working camera and Zoom ( which has been tested and is in working order.
For assessments via Upload
• Must have a digital camera or phone to record with the ability to upload a Video to the LMS Portal
How do I complete the ALS Online Course?
• Register via the EMSET website
• Complete online learning (access via the EMSET Portal)
• Organise required equipment for practical assessment
• Submit an enquiry to arrange practical assessment ( )
• Arrange practical assessment with an EMSET assessor or nominated workplace assessor
• Complete practical assessment
• Certificate issued by the LMS automatically and is in your portal
The course is endorsed by the Academy of Pre-Hospital Care and Event Medicine and the Australian Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians