
RTO # 40833

HLTAID015 Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy

HLTAID015 Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy

Course Code: HLTAID015

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Study 24/7 Anywhere Anytime.
Clinical Practice Training On The Job.
Gain Experience In Real-Life Emergencies.


This course provides you with the knowledge and training to provide advanced resuscitation using supplemental oxygen and bag/valve mask cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.

It gives you the skills to take control and provide immediate help to a patient until the paramedics arrive.

You will learn how to:

  • do CPR at the correct rate on adults and infants
  • use the AED correctly
  • use bag valve masks
  • provide supplemental oxygen
  • insert an oropharageal airway
  • use suction devices
  • set up and maintain oxygen equipment


You will learn how to assess vital signs including respirations, pulse, and temperature

You will also participate in a post-incident debrief and provide written workplace reports and a verbal report to the paramedics.

l ensure you can provide the patient with the best opportunity to survive.

You can use these skills in your workplace, the home or in community settings.

Course Fees

Full Course Fee:


Enable Group Purchase


  • All learning material for this unit is provided via our online learning portal and all equipment is provided for the practical assessments.
  • A learner undertaking this course will require a specific skill level in Language, Literacy and Numeracy.

    The course has been assessed as requiring the following Australian Core Skills Framework levels:

    • Learning – Level 2
    • Reading – Level 2
    • Writing – Level 2
    • Oral Communication – Level 1
    • Numeracy – Level 1


ALL EMS Education & Training courses are available 24/7, with commencement available anytime.

Award Issued

Students who successfully complete both the theoretical and practical assessment components of this nationally recognized training will be awarded the statement of attainment for:

  • HLTAID0015 – Provide advanced resuscitation

This certification remains current for 1 years, you will need to complete refresher training every year.

Initial Course Information

This course is delivered by Mixed Mode and requires the following:

  • Completion of pre-course online learning which takes approximately 3-4 hours
  • Completion of face-to-face practical assessment which takes approximately 3 hours


Prerequisites: HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

  • Special Requirements – Note you will be required to complete at least 2 minutes of CPR on an adult / child / infant manikin on the floor. This is a physical activity, and you must be able to lift and carry oxygen equipment weighing at least 10kg. If you are unable to kneel on the floor for at least two minutes and complete the CPR component, you may not be able to complete this unit. Please ensure you wear comfortable clothing appropriate for the activities.
  • All learning material for this unit is provided via our online learning portal and all equipment is provided for the practical assessments.