
RTO # 40833

PUAFER008 Confine Small Emergencies in a Facility

PUAFER008 Confine Small Emergencies in a Facility

Course Code: PUAFER008

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Study 24/7 Anywhere Anytime.
Clinical Practice Training On The Job.
Gain Experience In Real-Life Emergencies.


The Confine Small Emergencies in a Facility course provides you with the skills and knowledge required to confine small emergencies in a facility and it applies to occupants who are required to have first attack firefighting skills.


It includes preparing for emergency situations, identifying and assessing an emergency, safely confining emergencies, using initial response equipment and reporting on the facility’s emergency response.

Small emergencies in a facility include incidents such as small fires that can be controlled using a fire extinguisher; chemical spills that can be controlled using facility personal protective clothing and equipment and a spill kit; or a vehicle accident where there is no significant injury or damage.

All aspects of the unit must be undertaken in line with legislative requirements, organisational policies and procedures, and accepted safe work practices.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Course Fees

Full Course Fee:


Enable Group Purchase


  • All learning material for this unit is provided via our online learning portal and all equipment is provided for the practical assessments.
  • A learner undertaking this course will require a specific skill level in Language, Literacy and Numeracy.

    The course has been assessed as requiring the following Australian Core Skills Framework levels:

    • Learning – Level 2
    • Reading – Level 2
    • Writing – Level 2
    • Oral Communication – Level 1
    • Numeracy – Level 1


ALL EMS Education & Training courses are available 24/7, with commencement available anytime.

Award Issued

Students who successfully complete both the theoretical and practical assessment components of this nationally recognized training will be awarded the statement of attainment for:

  • PUAFER008 – Confine Small Emergencies in a Facility

This certification remains current for 3 years, you will need to complete refresher training every 3 years.

This course meets the requirements of approved first aid, asthma and anaphylaxis training under the Education and Care Services National Law, and the Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011).

Specific requirements, including requirements for refresher training, should be obtained from the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) and/or relevant state/territory Work Health and Safety Regulatory Authority.

Initial Course Information

This course is delivered by Mixed Mode and requires the following:

  • Completion of pre-course online learning
  • Completion of face-to-face practical assessment